Tuesday, March 2, 2010


On Friday February 26, 2010, after a evaluating many eligible families we are happy to announce that we have found the purrrfect new home. We are so fortunate that they have big hearts (and a big house) that can accommodate the both of us in addition to our 3 new feline siblings.

Apparently (All True!),
- We get to celebrate Christmas and Santa brings us gifts
- We get to celebrate our birthdays where we also receive gifts (For the record, our life began when we were rescued and again when we were adopted, so we claim 3 birthdays!)
- We get to sleep on real beds
- The young boy (Easton) is building us a hotel, equipped with, lounge areas, scratch zones and play things hanging from the ceiling

Over the last few months we've gotten very attached to the couple that rescued us and it truly breaks our hearts to leave. We had so much fun wreaking havoc in that apartment, breaking ornaments, tearing down banners, pouncing on the human at 3am and toppling water filled vases. That apartment is going to be a quiet place from now on. Although we are absolutely devastated to leave the tall, dark and handsome man (jk) behind... as you can see, this is a much sweeter gig!

However, we love that man with all our heart and hope he will always remember us!

Off to our new life... Thank you to our new family - Easton, Bridget and Jeff and to Monica Roik for canvassing to her sister for us!

Also a special thank you to Gaby, Jorina, Kim and Jennie for all the toys and tools that helped rescue us!

We have uploaded some new pictures . Scroll through the oldest posts and you'll find them

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